One Mind Campaign

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)


One Mind Campaign seeks to ensure successful interactions between law enforcement and individuals with mental health conditions. The initiative focuses on uniting local communities, public safety organizations, and mental health organizations so that the three become "of one mind." To join the campaign, law enforcement agencies must pledge to implement four promising practices over a 12-36 month time frame.

These practices include:

  • Establish a clearly defined and sustainable partnership with one or more community health organizations
  • Develop and implement a model policy addressing law enforcement response to individuals with mental health conditions
  • Train and certify 100 percent of sworn officers (and selected non-sworn staff, such as dispatchers) in mental health awareness courses by:
    • Providing Mental Health First Aid training (or equivalent) to 100 percent of officers (and selected non-sworn staff); and,
    • Providing CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) or equivalent crisis response training to a minimum of 20 percent of sworn officers (and selected non-sworn staff).

The Hillside Police Department is committed to dignified, safe, and effective interactions between our officers and members of our community in crisis.  Thus, we have pledged to implement this program to benefit those we serve.


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